Loverboy at The St. Augustine Amphitheatre

America’s oldest city on a very warm evening. This was our first trip to the St. Augustine Amphitheater – awesome facility. The opening act was Tommy Tutone. After the show, Jackie and I had a chance to talk with Tommy Heath – what a great guy. I was not aware that “867-5309” is one of the highest used computer passwords in the world. Tommy received a full standing ovation at the end of his show.
he Greg Kihn Band followed. First time we had seen him perform. Greg kept the crowd in a frenzy before our client hit the stage.   Greg’s voice is the same as it was in the 80s – super!  You knew it was him singing.

This might have been the first concert for the couple sitting behind us. The couple felt everyone should have been sitting communicating with each other via cell phone. They were a bit vocal about it during Tommy and Greg. When Loverboy hit the stage, they had no choice but to stand for the entire site.

As I type this, I am “Working for the Weekend.”